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Credit Card and Payment

Which credit cards accept?


We accept the following cards:

  • Visa (including the Visa Card)
  • MasterCard/EuroCard
  • Discover Network
  • American Express
  • Diner's Club (U.S. billing addresses only)
  • JCB
  • Visa or MasterCard check cards or ATM cards
  • Visa, MasterCard, or American Express gift cards*
  • Amazon Credit Account

We do accept purchasing cards, a type of credit card used by many corporations and institutions.

We do not currently support the Verified by Visa program. You can still use your Visa credit card as payment for an order, but you won't be asked to enter your Verified by Visa password.

*If you are using a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express gift card, please note the following restrictions:

  • pre-paid gift cards can't be combined with credit cards on a single order
  • pre-paid gift cards can't be used to sign up for Amazon Prime membership
  • Amex Gift Cards can't be used to purchase gift cards

Can I use a debit card or check card?

If you're paying with a Visa Check Card, please select Visa from the drop-down menu on the order form. Similarly, if you're paying with a EuroCard or MasterMoney Card, select MasterCard.

Is it safe to use my credit card online?

You can safely enter your entire credit card number via our secure server, which encrypts all submitted information. If you prefer, we also have a way for you to use your credit card without ever having to enter the complete number on the Internet.

When filling out the order form, simply enter the last five digits and the expiration date of your credit card on the order form. This gives us a way to track your order but guarantees your security. Once you have fully submitted your order, you will be provided with a phone number so that you may provide us with the rest of your credit card number.

Why did my credit card authorization fail?

It is not uncommon for a request for credit card authorization to fail once or twice before the card is finally authorized. We will send you an e-mail if we experience difficulties in authorizing your credit card.

You are always welcome to submit new credit card information to us for a particular order, provided that the order has not yet entered the shipping process. To do this, visit Your Account and select the link to "Change payment method."

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